How Long to Smoke Pork Butt at 225, 250, 275: Unlocked Secret to Smoking Pork Butt

If you’re looking to enjoy the best of smoked meats, there’s no better way than to slow-smoke a pork shoulder or pork butt. Put forth the effort and patience, and you are rewarded with tender, succulent meat that melts in your mouth. 

However, one of the most difficult questions any budding BBQ pit master faces is: just how long to smoke a pork butt

With so many variables like weather conditions and ambient temperature affecting cooking times, it can be hard to determine an ideal time for smoking without significant trial and error. 

Knowing this information ahead of time can drastically reduce your chances of ending up with a dried-out disappointment after 6 hours on the smoker when what was really needed was 14! 

To help provide some guidance moving forward we will cover estimated cook times for smoking at 225°F/107°C, 250°F/121°C, & 275°F/135°C.

How Long to Smoke Pork Butt at 225, 250, 275?

There is no definitive answer as to how long it takes to smoke a pork butt at any given temperature since there are many factors that can affect this like the weather, the size of the pork butt, the quality of the smoker, and other factors. Here is my advice:

At 225°F, a pork butt can take 8 to 10 hours or more of smoking time. A larger butt will obviously take longer than a smaller one. At 250°F, the total cooking time should be 7-8 hours. At 275°F, it should only take 6-7 hours to smoke your pork butt. Temperatures over 275°F should be used with caution since they can cause your pork butt to dry out quickly.

It is important to note that when smoking a pork butt, the internal temperature should reach 195-205°F before it is done. It is best to use a meat thermometer to accurately gauge how your pork butt is cooking and when it is finished.

It is best to use a reliable thermometer and monitor the pork butt’s progress throughout the smoking process. At the end of the day, patience is key when cooking pork butt! 

Tips: Many pitmasters will wrap their pork butt in butcher paper or aluminum foil (AKA “The Texas Crutch”) after it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F to lock in moisture and speed up the cooking process. 

how long to smoke pork butt at 225, 250, 275

Difference between Smoking Pork Butt at 225 F vs 250 or 275 F?

When it comes to smoking a pork butt, the temperature you choose to cook it at is key. Generally speaking, cooking pork butt at a lower temperature (225 F) will result in a juicier more tender texture, while higher temperatures (250-275 F) will give the meat a chewier texture. Cooking pork butt at 225 F will also take longer since it’s a lower temperature.

Depending on the size of your pork butt, expect to cook anywhere from 8-10 hours at 225 F. Cooking at higher temperatures doesn’t necessarily mean the pork will be done sooner — you’ll need to use a thermometer to check that the internal temperature of the meat has reached 195 F, indicating that it’s done.

When it comes to flavor, the higher temperatures will give you a smokier flavor with a darker bark on the outside of the pork butt. If you’re looking for juicier texture and more traditional pulled pork, then 225 F should be your go-to temperature. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which temperature and texture is best for your tastes! Experimenting with different temperatures will help you find the perfect combination.

What is the best temperature to Smoke Pork Butt?

The best temperature to smoke a pork butt is between 225°F and 250°F. Low temperatures, around 200°F-225°F, will slowly draw moisture from the meat while breaking down its connective tissues giving you a tender, juicy finished product. Higher temperatures (250°F-275°F) will speed up the cooking process but can also lead to a dryer product.

Smoke the pork butt until it reaches an internal temperature of 205°F-210°F for optimal results. This may take 8-12 hours depending on the size and type of smoker you’re using. If you have a thermometer probe, insert it into the thickest portion of the pork butt to monitor its temperature. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that your pork butt is cooked through.

Once the pork butt reaches an internal temperature of 195-205°F, it’s ready for the next step. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes before slicing or shredding. This allows all of the juices to settle and reabsorb into the pork.

Woods for Smoking Pork Butt

woods for smoking pork butt

Smoking pork butt requires the right wood to get the best flavor. Two of the most popular and recommended types of wood for smoking pork butt are hickory and maple.

Hickory is a strong, robust, and rich smoke flavor that works well with pork butts. It packs in more seasoning than other woods, and has an intense smoky flavor. Hickory is a heavy smoke that stands up to long cooking times and can be used for short or long smoking sessions.

Maple wood has a mild, sweet, slightly nutty taste that pairs well with pork butt. It’s not as strong as hickory, but its subtle flavor can still give a great smoky taste. It produces a consistent light smoke that is best used for shorter smoking sessions.

No matter which wood you decide to use, it’s important to let the wood breathe and reach optimal smoking temperature before adding your pork butt. This will ensure an even smoke throughout the cooking process.

Some Tips for Smoking Pork Butt

Here are a few thoughts from expert pitmasters on how to smoke pork butt:

1. Low and Slow

Smoking any type of meat will require you to cook it at a low temperature for a longer period of time. This is especially true with pork butt, as the fat content can be quite high and needs to be rendered down slowly. Aim for temperatures between 225-250F (107-121C). 

2. Moisture is Key

One of the most important aspects of smoking pork butt is to keep it moist while cooking. Use a mop or spray bottle to regularly baste the meat with a liquid such as apple juice, cider vinegar, beer, or wine. This will help keep the moisture locked in and reduce the risk of it drying out.

3. Use the Right Wood

The type of wood you use will also affect the flavor of your smoked pork butt. Choose a milder smoke like hickory, cherry, or applewood for a subtle smoky flavor, or choose an intense smoke such as mesquite or oak for an intense flavor.

4. Monitor Internal Temperature

When it comes to smoked meat, the internal temperature is your guide to doneness. For pork butt, you should aim for 190-205F (88-96C). This will ensure that the meat is cooked through but still juicy and tender. If it gets too hot, you risk drying out the meat.

5. Don’t Over Smoke

Too much smoke can lead to an unpleasant bitter flavor. Start with small amounts and adjust as needed throughout the cooking process, depending on how smoky you want your pork butt to be.

6. Trim the Fat

Pork butt has a high fat content, and it’s important to remove some of the fat before smoking. Trim off any excess fat that is more than 1/4-inch thick, as this will help ensure that your pork butt cooks evenly.

7. Always Pull, Never Chop

When it comes time to serve your smoked pork butt, don’t chop it up. Instead, use two forks to pull the meat apart so that it retains its moisture and flavor.

8. Take the Time to Season Right

The right seasonings can make or break your smoked pork butt. Try experimenting with different marinades and rubs for a unique flavor. Some popular seasonings are garlic powder, smoked paprika, cumin, oregano, chili powder, and brown sugar.

By following these tips for smoking pork butt, you’ll be sure to enjoy juicy and flavorful meat every time. With a bit of practice and patience, your next smoked pork butt will be the best one yet! 

How to Smoke Pork Butt: Make Perfect Pulled Pork Recipe

Some tips for smoking pork butt

There are several ways to smoke pork butt, but the most popular is a low-and-slow method using your favorite smoker. Here’s what you’ll need and a step by step guide:

## Preparing the Pork Butt 

Before beginning the smoking process, trim off any excess fat from your pork butt. This will ensure that the smoke can easily pass through the meat and flavor it properly. Once you have trimmed off any excess fat, season liberally with a pork rub of your choice. Make sure to cover all sides for the best flavor. 


  • Prepare a rub using six tablespoons of brown sugar, 
  • Three tablespoons of ground black pepper (about 16 mesh), 
  • Two tablespoons of garlic powder, 
  • Two tablespoons of ancho chili powder (or substitute with paprika)
  • One tablespoon of onion powder.
  • Generously season the pork butt using either the prepared rub or a 50-50 mix of kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper

## Spraying

Once you have prepped and seasoned your pork butt, it’s time to start smoking! Start by selecting a type of wood pellets such as hickory, apple, or blend of both. Fill up your pellet smoker with the chosen wood pellets and set it to a temperature of 225 degrees. Spray the pork butt with the wood pellets every hour or so for 8-10 hours. The smoke will add depth and flavor to your meat as it slowly cooks. 


  • Preheat smoker to 250°F. 
  • Place pork butt in the smoker and cook for about four hours until the internal temperature registers 156°F.
  • Move pork butt around so that it cooks evenly on all sides, if necessary.
  • When bark is dark enough, start spraying with apple cider vinegar.
  • Focus on spraying the meat, not the fat, to preserve all of the moisture in the pork butt. 
  • Continue cooking until internal temperature is 170°F and fat has rendered properly.

## Wrapping the Pork Butt 

After 8-10 hours, check the internal temperature of your pork butt. You’ll know it’s ready when the temperature reaches between 195 and 203 degrees. Once it’s reached this point, wrap your pork butt in aluminum foil to keep it from drying out. Letting your pork butt rest for another 30-60 minutes will help ensure that all juices are properly absorbed throughout the meat. 

## Pulling the Pork Butt

Once your pork butt has rested for the desired amount of time, use your hands to pull apart the meat. Pulling it this way rather than cutting or slicing it ensures that you get a nice smoky flavor throughout. If you’d like, you can also apply a sauce such as barbecue or hot sauce at this point as well. Just be careful to not over sauce it as this can overpower the smoky flavor of your pork butt. 

And there you have it! Your perfectly smoked pork butt is now ready to enjoy. Enjoy with your favorite side dishes or in sandwiches for a delicious meal! 


What should I serve with smoked pork butt?

Smoked pork butt pairs well with a variety of side dishes. Delicious options include roasted potatoes, grilled vegetables, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, baked beans, or any other type of barbeque-style side dish. For a complete meal, serve the smoked pork butt alongside some freshly baked dinner rolls and full-bodied red wine. Enjoy!

How often should I check on my pork butt while it’s smoking?

It’s important to check on your pork butt every 30 to 45 minutes while it’s smoking. This will help ensure that the internal temperature is rising steadily and that your meat is cooking properly. You’ll also want to make sure there’s enough smoke, heat, and liquid in the smoker. If any of these elements are lacking, you can adjust them as needed.

Finally, periodically turn your pork butt so that it cooks evenly and all sides are exposed to the smoke. With a little monitoring, you’ll be able to enjoy delicious smoked pork butt!

Do I need to wrap my smoked pork butt?

It is not necessary to wrap your smoked pork butt, however, it may help to keep the meat juicy and flavorful. Wrapping the pork with aluminum foil or butcher’s paper can help lock in moisture and enhance flavors. If you choose to wrap it, make sure it is done after the smoking process has been completed. Doing so before can cause the smoke to flavor the foil or paper instead of the meat.

It is recommended that you keep an eye on your pork butt while smoking, and adjust accordingly if it appears to be drying out. Adding a few tablespoons of liquid to the smoker’s pan can also help with moisture levels. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide if wrapping your smoked pork butt is right for you.

Can I overcook a pork butt?

Yes, it is possible to overcook a pork butt. If the pork is cooked too long or at too high of a temperature, it can become dry and tough. It’s important to monitor the internal temperature carefully and use an instant-read thermometer to avoid overcooking. Additionally, if you plan on cooking the roast for longer than 4-5 hours, it’s a good idea to cover the pork with a lid or foil to help keep it moist.


With the advice we’ve given here, you should now have a better idea of how long to smoke pork butt at different temperatures. All that’s left is to get out there and start cooking! The key to creating mouthwatering results is choosing the right temperature that suits your tastes and using it consistently. 

Smoked pork butt can be cooked at 225, 250, or 275 degrees Fahrenheit, for anywhere from six to ten hours depending on your desired outcome. Now go forth and begin smoking delicious pork butts – you have all the knowledge to make it happen! 

It’s time for you to show off your authentic BBQ skills that will leave everyone feeling full and more importantly, satisfied with your creation. Enjoy making this classic cut of meat come alive through slow roasting so grab some wood chips and let the magic begin! 

Don’t forget: when asking yourself ‘How long to smoke pork butt?’, now you know – 225F for 8-10 hrs, 250F for 7-8 hrs, or 275F for 6-7 hrs.

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