How Long to Smoke Pork Belly? | Ryujin Ramen Brooklyn

Are you wondering how long to smoke pork belly? Smoking the perfect pork belly isn’t as hard as it may seem, and with a little practice, you can make an absolutely delicious meal that will have everyone at the dinner table begging for more.

Whether you are a beginner or just looking to refine your skillset in smoking pork bellies, this blog post has everything you need to know about properly preparing and smoking them in order to get optimal flavor and texture!

See more: How Long to Cook Pork Tenderloin in Oven at 400?

How Long to Smoke Pork Belly?

The time required to smoke pork belly on a smoker will vary depending on several factors, such as the size and thickness of the pork belly, the temperature of the smoker, and how often you turn or baste the pork.

Generally speaking, it takes between 4-6 hours at 225°F (107°C) to fully cook a pork belly on a smoker, using an electric smoker, it will be 30 minutes to an hour faster. If you want to get a crispy exterior, you may need to increase the temperature and cook for an additional 30 minutes or so. Be sure to keep an eye on the temperature of the meat as it smokes to ensure it is cooked through before serving. 

For best results, always use a thermometer when smoking meat, as the cooking time can vary significantly depending on ambient temperature. When the internal temperature of the pork reaches 190°F (88°C), it will be cooked through and ready to serve.

Tips: If you are adding any finishing touches such as sauce, glaze, rubs, etc., these should be done in the last hour of smoking. This will help to ensure the pork belly is cooked thoroughly and also give it a nice, crispy finish.

How long to smoke pork belly

What is the best Temperature to Smoke Pork Belly?

The best temperature to smoke pork belly is between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. The low temperature allows the fat to render slowly, resulting in a tender, juicy finished product. Smoking at higher temperatures may cause the meat to dry out or cook too quickly.

Additionally, smoking pork belly for extended periods of time can deepen its flavor and create a more succulent texture. Monitor the internal temperature of the pork belly to ensure it reaches at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit before serving or consuming.

How to Know the Pork Belly is Done Smoking and Ready to Eat

Once you have the pork belly smoking, you will want to keep an eye on it. To know when it’s done cooking, use a thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat and make sure it reaches 145°F. You should also look for that delicious crispy bark that has developed on the outside of the meat. If the bark is golden brown and crunchy, it’s a good sign that the pork belly is done!

Finally, you can also opt for the tried-and-true method of cutting into to check if it’s cooked through. If the middle of the pork belly has reached that same 145°F internal temperature but looks a bit too raw, you may want to put it back in the smoker for a few more minutes.

Once the pork belly is ready, it’s time to eat! Let the meat rest for about 10 minutes before slicing and serving so that all of that delicious smoky flavor can settle into each bite.

Wood Types for Smoking Pork Belly

There are several types of wood that are commonly used for smoking pork belly, each with its own unique flavor. We’ll divide them into two main categories, hardwoods and softwoods.

Applewood and Cherrywood

Applewood and cherrywood are two popular types of wood for smoking pork belly. Applewood has a mild, sweet flavor that pairs well with the fatty texture of the meat. It adds an extra bit of sweetness to your smoked pork belly without overpowering it.

Cherrywood also has a mild flavor but with a more fruity note. This type of wood adds complexity to the flavor profile, making it a great choice for smoked pork belly.

Hickory, Pecan, and Mesquite

Hickory is one of the most common types of wood used in smoking. It has a strong smokey flavor that is ideal for pork belly. Pecan wood has a slightly sweeter flavor than hickory, making it a great choice for those who want to add sweetness to their smoked pork belly.

Mesquite is the strongest of these woods and adds an intense smoky flavor. It can be overpowering if used in large quantities, so it’s best to use this wood sparingly. All three of these woods pair well with pork belly and can be used to create delicious smoked dishes.

Overall, there are many types of wood that can be used to smoke pork belly. Applewood and cherrywood provide a mild sweetness, while hickory, pecan, and mesquite offer a more intense smoky flavor. Experiment with different types of wood to find the one that brings out the best in your smoked pork belly!

Wood types for smoking pork belly

How to Smoke Pork Belly: Simple and Delicious BBQ Smoked Pork Belly Recipe

There are many different methods for smoking pork belly, but this basic recipe will get you started.


  • To prepare the pork belly burnt ends, you will need a pork belly slab, ammo box hot sauce or olive oil, your favorite barbecue rub, butter, and barbecue sauce.
  • You will also need apple cider vinegar and foil to cover the pan.
  • Wood chips of your choice (hickory, applewood, etc.)


  1. To begin preparing your bacon, take the pork belly slab and cut it into cubes of 1,5 – 2 inches, trimming off any unwanted fat or pieces. 
  2. Once you have the cubes cut, coat them with a binder such as ammo box hot sauce or olive oil. 
  3. Then, add a generous amount of your favorite barbecue rub to the cubes on both sides. 
  4. Place the pork belly cubes onto a cooking rack and then you are ready to put it onto the grill. The heat of the grill will help caramelize the sugars in the rub creating that delicious, sweet flavor.

Cooking the Pork Belly:

1. Preheat your grill to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Place the pork belly on the grill and close the lid. Cook for 2-2.5 hours, or until the outside of the pork belly has a nice bark.

3. Remove from the grill and place in a saucepan with butter, barbecue sauce, and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

4. Cover the saucepan with foil and place it back on the grill for 1-1.5 hours at 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Check the internal temperature of the pork belly by probing it to see if there is still resistance in the center. If so, cover with foil and let cook for an additional 10-15 minutes.

6. Remove from the grill and toss in the juices of the saucepan before closing the lid. Allow to cook for another 5-10 minutes, or until the sauce has a nice consistency.

Taste test:

Ok, let’s do the taste test on these pork belly burnt ends! Take a bite and let’s see what you think.

The texture should be tender and melt in your mouth, with a hint of spice from the ammo box, the sweetness coming through without being overpowering, and that smokiness and richness from the fat all combining together. How does it taste? Let me know what you think!


How do I store smoked pork belly?

Smoked pork belly should be stored in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag. Store the smoked pork belly in the refrigerator and use it within 3 to 4 days for maximum freshness. If you are not using the smoked pork belly right away, make sure that it is cooled completely before placing it into a storage container. Then, place the container in the refrigerator.

To extend the shelf life of smoked pork belly, it can be frozen for up to 3 months. When you are ready to use the smoked pork belly, allow it to thaw completely before reheating and serving.

Read more:

What are some good rubs for smoking pork belly?

There are a variety of rubs that can be used to give pork belly an amazing flavor when smoking. Popular choices include brown sugar, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin, paprika, and pepper. These ingredients can be combined in varying proportions to create unique flavors for the smoked pork belly.

When using these ingredients as a rub for pork belly, it’s important to use a good quality olive oil or vegetable oil to help the ingredients adhere to the meat. Rub the mixture onto the pork belly and marinate overnight before smoking for optimal flavor. Experimenting with different rub combinations is an easy way to create unique flavors that everyone will love.

What should I serve with smoked pork belly?

Smoked pork belly and smoked pork loin are delicious and flavorful dish that pairs well with a variety of sides. A classic side to serve alongside smoked pork belly is roasted vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, onions, and peppers. You could also serve coleslaw or savory salads for added crunch and texture. 

To contrast the smoky flavor in the pork belly, serve a tart or sweet condiment, such as cranberry sauce, applesauce, or tangy barbecue sauce. To complete the meal, you can include crusty bread or buttery mashed potatoes for a creamy side dish. 

With its savory flavors and tender texture, smoked pork belly is sure to please your dinner guests.

How do I prevent the skin from curling when smoking pork belly?

The best way to prevent the skin from curling when smoking pork belly is to ensure that the temperature of your smoker stays consistent. Make sure the fire is low and slow, and don’t allow it to get too hot. Also, keep the meat far away from direct heat so that it cooks more evenly.

Finally, be sure to score the skin before smoking it. This helps to reduce the tension of the skin and prevents it from curling. With these tips, you should be able to achieve a perfectly crispy pork belly without any curling!


All in all, it is safe to say that smoking pork belly comes with a list of unique benefits; although its total cooking time may vary depending on size and among other factors, the average time for it to look ready usually takes around 4-6 hours. It all depends on the size and thickness of your pork belly, how hot the grill is set, as well as the desired crispiness. 

The key to having the perfect pork belly is to always know when it’s ready so that you always get the right doneness. To check if your pork belly is done correctly, stick a thermometer between the fat layer and meat so that you can make sure you’re doing it right. Hopefully, this article has answered all of your questions about how long to smoke pork belly. 

And from this day forward, “How long to smoke pork belly” should hold no mystery for you – happy grilling!

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